Wednesday 27 July 2011

The Folding Knife - Contribution

Here are some of the drawings I made for the The Folding Knife exhibition.

Saturday 23 July 2011

The Folding Knife @ the bookclub

McBess's doing an exibition at the BookClub, london,
McBess expose au BookClub a londres,

And asked ME and some friends to participate.
Et nous a demande a MOI et qq amis de participer.

The Exibition is about the famous folding knife,
C'est une expo sur le thème des célèbres couteaux pliables,

Come and have a look, Agust the 4th! It's Here
Venez jetter un coup d'oeil, c'est le 4 Aout! C'est la

Thursday 7 July 2011

21st of june: Summer

My contribution at the "Salle Polyvalente"
Ma contribution a la "Salle Polyvalente"
This month theme was "Summer"...
Le theme du moi etait "l'été"...